In conversation with Bharat Mata Loud thunderclaps of ‘Elections ‘24’ awoke me from sleep with a start last night. Groggy and in a state of dreamy half-sleep, I was visited upon by, who else, but our Bharat Mata (henceforth BM). She was dressed in a tricolour of our national flag looking proud but forlorn, sad and weary– her high and wide forehead creased by ripples of worry. I bowed to her with deep love and respect and sought her ashirwad to help me become her true son who would guard her honour and adhere to the dharma of ahimsa and bhayichaara. I also sang Gandhiji’s favourite bhajan: “Vaishnav jan to tene kahiye...” and Bhimsen Joshi’s soulful ‘Mile sur mera tumhara…” to cheer her up. Then we began talking. Here is how our conversation ran: Me: Why are you awake so late in the night our revered Bharat Mata? BM: Son, like you, I was also disturbed by this cacophony and claptrap of ‘Elections ‘24’: hate speeches, uncouth language, undignified barks at opponents, outrageous...