Gaza, Israel and this world Have you seen those horrid videos and images from Gaza? Of wailing mothers and moaning fathers? Of dazed children with their blood-smeared faces and a badly shattered leg and arm? Of a nearly-dead, dishevelled young girl in blood-soaked tatters, head slumped, limp arms dangling, being rushed on a stretcher to a hospital? Of a thickly swaddled young boy with both his arms and legs amputated? Of starving men and women, young and old, holding out bowls begging for food and water? Of children, some newly born and some older, lined up in coffins in rows and dozens more dying for lack of medical care they desperately need? Of the city almost turned into a bizarre ghostly wilderness with the once-upon-a time buildings bombed and strafed to shattered heaps of brick and concrete? Of innocent people being bombed day in and day out not for days, not for weeks but for months? Just ponder a while and reflect. Is this some imaginary scene in a h...